a journey into the creative process
... letting your soul speak and step into the world is often like watching a dream unfold. accepting things to happen, witness your unconscious manifest itself .... these are precious moments when I manage to let my mind and
ego take a back seat ...
ART YOUR SOUL. beate arens art

2023 and before

About me
My life, divided between 26 years spent in urban environments
(Paris, New York, Berlin) and that of remote country and nature
(Mallorca), had a profound influence on the way I relate to the world around me.
As unimagined new technology pulls our existence forward, I participate in part with great curiosity and excitement but also with the fear of an ultimate loss of control... and humanity.
The pull between the two worlds influenced an expression between the figurative and the abstract. The constructed and the expressive. To find a way of bringing order, rhythm and wildness together.
My work is an examination of the question that arises within these contrasts:
How can our natural instinct guide us in this new digitalised world?
How do we make sense of the chaos that results from it?
How do we stay in touch with nature and the wilderness that we so long for and we are trying to save...?

​91- 93 ESMOD Paris, fashion design studies
93- 97 Designer for LOUIS VUITTON, HÉRMES, Paris
97-2010. Design Director for RALPH LAUREN, ABERCROMBIE&FITSCH
10-2017. Full time painting, Berlin
17.2024 Painting, Mallorca/ Berlin
2012. Quadratisch Schwarz Weiss, Berlin
2014. Bundgrisenheim Stiftung, Eurotraum
2014. Malanders
2015. Etchings, Lithografie, Kunstwerkstatt Berlin Treptow
2016. Exhibition Hofliferanten Düsseldorf
2020 Anton, Artspace, USA
21-23. represented by HMH galleria Andratx Mallorca
2022. BGL lounge Palma FACE
2023. Artbox EXPO, Art Basel, Semi Finalist
2024 Casa del Arte, Palma, digital exhibition
2024 Andie Art Gallerie, Athens, digital exhb. 2024 Andakulova Gallerie, Dubai/Emirates, digital exhibition
- Quadratisch Schwarz Weiss catalogue
- DER RECHENSCHIEBER, Verlag Mayer-Steudte : 9 781234 567 897
- ARTBOX PUBLISH Zwitzerland: BEATE ARENS 978 3 0366 0312 4